

: I think my cat has melted. It was 32º in the glass-roofed conservatory but he persevered with his …

: So happy to have a dry and sunny day after weeks (months) of rain. Woodland is scant around here but …

: I’m pleased with myself for finding something to post every day for the April Photoblogging …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Bonus Day 2: unputdownable (Jim / @jimmitchell)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Bonus Day 1: bubble (@paulrobertlloyd) With no time to take a new image …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 30: hometown (matt / @mattypenny) My hometown is on the Greenwich …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 29: drift (Simon / @SimonWoods)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 28: community (@stupendousman) “Our Game” was a huge …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 27: surprise (Sam / @Sdevore) This is not what I was looking for …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 26: critter (Jefferson / @7robots)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 25: spine (Ian / @thedimpause)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 24: light (Esteban / @eumrz) Or rather, headlights.

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 23: dreamy (@maique)

: I resisted posting a photo of a blue sky for today’s prompt! Not hard to do as I can’t …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 21: mountain (David / @dejus) At the top of Mount Srđ, Dubrovnik

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 20: ice (@the)

: While drinking my coffee in the conservatory today, I was treated to this shameless display of …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 19: birthday (David / @crossingthethreshold) This is an older photo …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 18: mood (@agilelisa) This was the most moody and dramatic sunset I …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 17: transcendence (Drew / drewbelf)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 16: flâneur (Chris / @chrisaldrich) Today’s prompt got me …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 15: small (James / @jmanes) I felt VERY small standing under this …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 14: cactus (Christopher / @christopherchelpka)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 13: page (Rob / @robj)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 12: magic (David / @DaveyCraney)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 11: sky (Jedda / @jedda)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 10: train ( Jason / @starrwulfe)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 9: crispy (Rom / @rom)

: I am enjoying seeing the photos folk are posting of the solar eclipse. Here on the eastern side of …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 8: prevention (Anne / @anniegreens) Because nothing spoils a …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 7 : wellbeing (Ridwan / @ridwan) Lunch with friends is very good …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 6 : windy (Miraz / @Miraz) What do you do on a windy day at the …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 5 : serene (Chi / @chiawase)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 4 : foliage (Pratik / @pratik)

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 3 : card (Valerie / @val) Just a few card offcuts left over from …

: 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 2 : flowers (Dave / @davegullett)

: A little late but hopefully not too much! 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 1 : Toy (Pedro / @pcora)

: I found this little pasta machine in a charity shop for £10. A bargain! I think people buy (or are …

: Mi komencis lerni esperanton. ĉu ekzistas aliaj komencantoj?

: I’ve enjoyed attending pottery workshops for the last couple of months. It’s an …

: What better way to spend a wet, rainy morning than baking a crusty rustic loaf of cranberry and …

: Surprised myself by making what looks like a successful small batch artisan bread loaf to go with my …

: I went to the Harvest Festival at our tiny local church this afternoon. I am not a …

: So #mbsept is complete and I am proud of myself that I found a photo for every single day. I really …

: Day 30: treasure (suggested by @agilelisa) 📸 #mbsept The window of a jeweller’s shop in …

: I thought the red car made a striking contrast to the blue house. Day 29: contrast (suggested by …

: Have I missed seeing the #mbsept prompts for 29th and 30th September, I wonder?

: Day 28: workout (suggested by @rom) 📸 #mbsept The only kind of workout I enjoy is a nice long walk, …

: Day 27: embrace (suggested by @mroutley) 📸 #mbsept

: I just had my first pottery lesson in coughs years. I’m never going to be a Bernard Lynch but …

: The breakfast of champions. Day 26: beverage (@Annie) 📸 #mbsept

: I am totally awed by the photos posted for today’s prompt, but submitting my take on it …

: 🌱 Admiring the stunning display of dahlias at Gunby Hall gardens has convinced me that I must make …

: Day 24: belt (suggested by @allaboutgeorge) 📸 #mbsept A shelter belt of trees, looking stark on a …

: This afternoon, a leisurely stroll through the potential unexploded bombs amongst the mudflats and …

: Day 22: Road (suggested by @jomalo)📸 #mbsept

: Day 21: fall (suggested by @pcora)📸 #mbsept I hope the little cat doesn’t fall into the …

: Day 20: disruption (suggested by @crossingthethreshold)📸 #mbsept It doesn’t take a lot of snow …

: Living on the edge. #mbsept day 19: edge (suggested by @rnv)📸

: Day 18: fabric (suggested by @adam) 📸 #mbsept Lots of little scraps of fabric here, and threads and …

: Day 17: intense (suggested by @Rori)📸 #mbsept The rudbeckias are currently providing an intense hit …

: Day 16: oof! (suggested by @bkryer) 📸 #mbsept The aftermath of a mad burst of the zoomies - ouf!

: Day 15: red (suggested by @chiawase) 📸 #mbsept

: Day 14: statue (suggested by @christopherchelpka) 📸 #mbsept The Spirit of the Medieval Huntress by …

: Day 13: glowing (suggested by @anniegreens) 📸 #mbsept The welcoming glow from the pub …

: Day 12: panic - suggested by @maique 📸 #mbsept Hack Green nuclear bunker. The 4-minute warning of a …

: Day 11: retrospect 📸 #mbsept Today’s prompt was a tricky one, but I found this shot I took at …

: I’ve been trying to knit my way through some of the yarn I’ve got stashed in boxes under …

: Day 10: cycle (suggested by @agilelisa) 📸 #mbsept Yarn-bombing at its best!

: Day 9: language suggested by @thedimpause 📸 #mbsept Today’s prompt almost had me beat until I …

: Day 8: yonder (@jidabug) 📸 #mbsept The Humber Bridge, stretching 2,200 metres (1.4 miles) over the …

: Visiting Australia for a month in 1997 was the trip of a lifetime for a working class girl from the …

: Day 7 #mbsept panorama 📸 Danes Dyke in East Yorks, taken on my mobile phone’s very basic …

: I have one last episode of Good Omens 2 left to watch, and I keep putting if off because then it …

: St Winefride’s Well (Ffynnon Wenffrewi) in the town of Holywell, Wales, is the oldest …

: Day 5 #mbsept Forest suggested by Oskar @ovr 📸

: I’ve already posted for day 4 of #mbsept (orange) but then came across this old photo. Back in …

: #mbsept day 4 Orange 📸

: I wonder what is happening with Ello? I’ve not visited for a while and now I’m just …

: Me: Yay, my new cordless garden shears have arrived! Partner: Be careful with those things, the …

: Day 3 #mbsept Precious 📸 Butterflies are such a beautiful and precious part of of our biodiversity, …

: Day 2 #mbsept Buildup 📸 Our local church has the tallest mediaeval parish church spire in England.

: Since moving, I’ve swapped trees and moss and fungi and craggy hills for open, empty beaches, …

: Day 1 #mbsept Abstract

: Happy New Year to all Microbloggers! It’s been a dark and wet day to start the year here, best …

: All the blogs I’ve ever had have been short-lived. Although I love the idea, I usually feel like I’m …

: I don’t make New Year resolutions, but around this time I start thinking of things I want to …

: Waiting for my bus home, I thought the city centre, run-down and dreary as it is in reality, can …

: Cold but bright, with a lingering frost. The perfect afternoon for a winter walk.

: The frost on the inside of my car windscreen this morning looks like abstract art in the early …

: I woke up to a light frosting of snow and pale sunshine. The world outside looks prettier! And …

: Christmas Greetings! Because it’s that time of year.

: A treasure snagged from the local charity shop, this will be my Christmas read - 650 pages, good …

: As the temperatures drop, the cats retreat into the curtains over the radiator. I’m not sure …

: I used to visit this shop in Leicester all the time when I was a student there back in the late 70s. …

: I seem to have been on something of a deconstructive trend this past few months. While doing the …

: I don’t go mad for Christmas but I’ve been getting into the seasonal spirit by putting …

: Someone is not getting out of bed this morning. Who can blame him? Its a chilly, frosty one out …

: Fish can be a wee bit scary sometimes…

: I long ago realised that trending topics on social media are almost invariably of no interest to me …

: This is my main motivation for getting up in the morning, and what I open my eyes to. The furry …

: Today’s microblogvember prompt is something I am bad with: commitment. Not with people but …

: Even though I wasn’t here for the start of the month, writing a few sentences each day for …

: For a company to retain the loyalty and motivation of its staff, it needs to wield carrots as well …

: I’ve kept a journal for six years now, Some days I forget to update it - and during the Covid …

: I have been making these little notebooks for christmas gifts. Simple sewn bindings and the covers …

: I will try to avoid walking through a field where cows graze, especially if there are calves with …

: It’s not been cold enough yet this winter for ice and snow, so this photo is from last …

: The outside world has been a dreary colourless monotone grey and blurred by rain for over a week, …

: I had a frustrating afternoon, after knitting the neckline of my sweater on the wrong size needles I …

: I’ll never write a novel but I have acquired the solo TTRPG Alone Among the Stars to see if …

: I was too tired yesteday to think of something worthwhile to write for the mbnov prompt, but thats …

: Today’s mbnov prompt is barrel which unavoidably reminded me of wine-tasting in Madeira a few …

: So I have been trialling Microblog for a week or so, and finding I like it very much in this little …

: I am not a fan of franchise coffee shops like Starbucks and Costas. Not a coffee snob, but their …

: Today’s prompt is aluminium, and I admit I struggled to find something worthwhile to say about …

: I had a friendly little companion following on my lunchtime walk today. She didn’t leave me …

: I am having way too fun building a personal Neocities website just like the Geocities ones I built …

: Back to work tomorrow, where I will have to adjust to the office environment again after 2 years of …

: We went for a walk today across the moors, which were looking particularly magical in the Autumn …

: For today’s mbnov a quote from my current WIP: “So far the looks I’ve been subjected to …

: One of my few happy memories from primary school is the nature table, where the season’s …

: Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office Larry the Cat should be Prime Minister. He’s seen five …

: i have survived my annual review at work, mostly by nodding and smiling like an inane puppet. This …

: I was shredding old documents today, and someone (Gregory) was certain I was making piles of shreddy …

: The lupins are sparkling with jewels after the rain passes. 🌱

: Here comes the rain again…. since waking one night to find water pouring down the bedrom wall …

: After many hours of debate the rabbit social planning commitee had finally reached a consensus